Synthesizer on a Business Card
(PCB Design and Assembly, C++)
A fully functional percussion synthesizer on a business card, incorporating motion sensing, battery management, and amplification.
WDCH Dreams Audio Browser
with Parag K. Mital for Refik Anadol Studios, Google Arts + Culture, and the LA Philharmonic
(C++, openFrameworks, machine learning)
A compositional tool developed for the WDCH Dreams project, enabling rapid browsing of very large corpora of audio data (~3.8 million grains), analyzed via machine listening models and projected into a navigable 3-dimensional space.
Research+Practice Fellowship at CalArts
(C++, Objective-C, audio signal processing)
Summer 2017 fellowship working on Auraglyph, an infinite modular sketchpad for the iPad. Contributed a number of new audio effect classes to the existing unit generator collection of the app, added MIDI functionality, debugged and tested experimental features.
On-the-fly Corpus-based Granular Synthesizer
(C++, openFrameworks)
An iPad app which automatically segments and analyzes grains from an incoming audio stream. Timbral descriptors are projected into a low-dimensional space to enable intuitive access to the corpus.
Plucked String Synthesis Particle System
(Swift, 3D Touch)
A mobile app which turns fingertip touches into gravitational attractors in a particle system. Impacting particles excite plucked string models attached to each touch. Touch force is mapped to mass, allowing pressure to influence particle motion and audio dynamics.
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Feedback in the AlloSphere
Mixing Interface
for UCSB CREATE Ensemble
(JavaScript, MaxMSP)
iPad-based interface using Interface.js to mix and spatialize audio from six performers in the AlloSphere audiovisual environment. Developed for a performance of Ensemble Feedback Networks by the CREATE Ensemble.
Embedded Digital Shakers
Handheld Percussion using Microcontrollers
(C++, interaction design, audio synthesis)
A family of self-contained, battery-powered synthesizers modeling various shakers, rattles, and other handheld percussion. Beyond modeling existing shakers, the instrument affords new sonic interactions including hand mutes and self-sustaining feedback. Presented at NIME 2018.